

Rudolf Steiner mentioned six previous reincarnations that he supposedly had, and which I will enumerate in chronological order:

1) Enkidu, who is a character from Sumerian mythology and who was the adventurer companion of the mythological king Gilgamesh (about 3000 BC).

2) Cratylus, who was a Greek philosopher, born in Athens at the end of the fifth century BC and who was a priest of the Ephesus Temple.

3) Aristotle (384-322 BC) who was one of the most famous Greek philosophers and was also a forerunner of modern science, since apart from philosophy, he was also a mathematician, astronomer and he is historically recognized as the founding father of logical reasoning and biology.

4) Schionatulander who is a character from a heroic novel written by the German poet Wolfram von Eschenbach shortly after 1217, and who elaborated it based on the unfinished romantic poem entitled "Perceval, the Grail story" written by the French poet Chrétien de Troyes.

And although all indicates that this is an imaginary saga, Rudolf Steiner insisted that no, that this story was very real and that it took place between the 9th and 10th centuries in the Middle Age.

5) St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1270) who was one of the most important theologians of the Catholic Church, to the point that he was proclaimed Doctor of the Church on April 11, 1567, by Pope Pius V.

6) Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925).

7) And Steiner also announced that he would return to Earth at the end of the 20th century or the beginning of the 21st century.

And after reading that, I sigh of desolation.

And surely you will ask:

What is the problem with this list?

And the problem is that this list shows that Rudolf Steiner was very ignorant about how reincarnation works.

1.  To begin the Masters of wisdom and their true disciples assured that the time to re-reincarnate is much longer than what people imagine.

Alfred Sinnett, in his book "Esoteric Buddhism," he pointed out that the Masters explained to him that humans spend 1500 years in Devachan ("the paradise") before returning to Earth.

Then William Judge, who was a disciple of Master Morya, pointed out in the magazine "The Theosophical Forum" that those 1500 years is not a fixed duration for all people, but the average in general (as well as the current average life expectancy is around 77 years, although there are some who die a few months later and others who die after more than a century later).

And when people asked to Blavatsky, she answered in her book "The Key of Theosophy":

« This, we are taught, depends on the degree of spirituality and the merit or demerit of the last incarnation. The average time is from ten to fifteen centuries. »
(Section IX, p.145)

And Master Kuthumi in a letter wrote:

« Let us take but one million of years (suspected and now accepted by your science) to represent man's entire term upon our earth in this Round; and allowing an average of a century for each life and a average of 777 reincarnations, we find that whereas he has passed in all his lives upon our planet 77,700 years, while he has been in the subjective spheres 922,300 years. Not much encouragement for the extreme modern reincarnationists who remember their several previous existences»
(Mahatma Letter 14, p.83)

So, as you can see, the dates given by Rudolf Steiner do not function because:

  • From Enkidu to Cratylus it took 2600 years to reincarnate.
  • From Cratylus to Aristotle, it took 50 years.
  • From Aristotle to Schionatulander it took 1270 years.
  • From Schionatulander to Thomas Aquinas it took 275 years.
  • From Aquinas to Rudolf Steiner it took 590 years.
  • And it would only take 75 years to reincarnate at the end of the 20th century or the beginning of the 21st century.

(I rounded the numbers)

So, if we exclude the first case of Enkidu, which is probably a pure fantasy from Steiner and his disciples, he was reincarnated on average every 450 years, which places him in the group of fanciful men who pretend to remember his many past lives, but that probably those are only inventions produced by their imagination.

2.  And the duration in Devachan mentioned by Rudolf Steiner is also incorrect because as Blavatsky pointed out: more a person is evolved and more his stay in Devachan is long. So it is absurd that a wild man like Enkidu stayed 2600 years in Devachan before returning to earth, while a great sage like Cratylus only stayed 50 years !!!

3.  But also the list that Rudolf Steiner mentioned does not make any sense because there is NO continuity through reincarnations.

You should know that the characteristics that you develop into a life, you inherit them in the next life.

And for you to understand me better, imagine a great sportsman like Cristiano Ronaldo, and imagine that someone tells you that at 30 years old, Ronaldo became a great violin virtuoso.

And you are going to emphasize that this statement does not make any sense because to become a great violin virtuoso, you have not only to have talent, but also to practice many hours for many years, and Ronaldo he does not could do it because he spent all his life to playing soccer.

So this statement is not only incongruous, but also false.

And the same thing happens with the statements made by Rudolf Steiner because, for example:

When did the primitive man Enkidu obtain wisdom and knowledge to become in his next reincarnation the great Greek philosopher Cratylus ???

Enkidu was a wild man who lived covered with animal skins and only loved to fight. So, it makes no sense to declare that in his next reincarnation, this barbarian become a great philosopher, because he has not developed his mind, his reasoning and his wisdom.

Declaring this is as absurd as declaring that Ronaldo became a genius of the violin.

And something similar can also be objected about the passage from Aristotle to Thomas Aquinas, because although Thomas Aquinas was a very bright man who even admired Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas was a very religious man who humanized and sanctified God, while for Aristotle, God was only an impersonal energy that produced the movement of univers, and therefore it is not any sense to pray to him.

If we see the characteristics that Aristotle showed in his life, most likely he will be reborn as a scientist and not as an ecclesiastic.

And it is also not logical that Thomas Aquinas reincarnated as Rudolf Steiner, because although the two men were very religious, Thomas Aquinas was a very honest man, while Rudolf Steiner was a very deceitful man.


This shows me several things:

  • Rudolf Steiner was a very liar man because there are a lot of falsities he has declared.
  • He was not in communication with the Masters as he claimed.
  • He did not have esoteric knowledge as he presumed.
  • And he was a pretentious guy because with the exception of Enkidu, all the other reincarnations he pretended to have had were from prominent men, which is unlikely.

And it is curious to note that the true instructors do not like to talk about past lives because neither Blavatsky, nor William Judge, nor Damodar spoke about it, but instead the liars are very enthusiastic to doing it as was the case of Charles Leadbeater, Elizabeth and Mark Prophet, Samael Aun Weor and also Rudolf Steiner.


In the lecture he gave on September 20, 1924, Rudolf Steiner asserted the following:

« In spiritual science (anthroposophy is, after all, only a name) genuine investigation is made into how the potato nourishes the human being, the potato is found to be something that is not completely digested by the digestive organs, but it passes into the head through the lymph glands, through the blood, in such a way that the head itself must also serve as a digestive organ for the potato. When potatoes are eaten in large quantities, the head becomes a kind of stomach and also digests.

This kind of knowledge can never be derived from natural science. When things are genuinely investigated with respect to their spiritual quality, it becomes apparent that in this modern age humanity has been seriously injured by the excessive consumption of potatoes. Spiritual science finds that the eating of potatoes has played a very large part in the general deterioration of health in recent centuries.

People believe that when their stomach is full of potatoes, they have had a nourishing meal. The truth is that the health of their head is impaired, because the head itself then has to become a digestive organ»

But this Rudolf Steiner’s affirmation is completely false because later it was discovered that in the brain, there is no substance that serves to digest aliments.

And that is why, neither science nor any genuine esoteric teaching, they mention that the brain also exercises the function of a digestive organ. Only in the Rudolf Steiner’s imagination, that he confused with clairvoyance.

This assertion is a lie more invented by Rudolf Steiner.


In the lecture he gave on August 2, 1924, Rudolf Steiner mentioned the following:

« The potato takes little care of lung and heart. It reaches the head, but only, as I said, the lower head, not the upper head. It does go into the lower head, where one thinks and exercises critical faculties. Therefore, you can see, in earlier times there were fewer journalists. There was no printing industry yet.

Think of the amount of thought expended daily in this world in our time, just to bring the newspapers out.

All that thinking, it is much too much, it is not at all necessary, and we have to thank the potato diet for that!

Because a person who eats potatoes is constantly stimulated to think. »

So, dear readers, forget about the increase in population, as well as the technological development that allowed the communication and information industry to intensify an impressive way, because according to Rudolf Steiner, the real reason why there are now many more journalists than before, it is because now humans eat potatoes...

Which, apart from being ridiculous, is also false because science has discovered that the main energy the brain needs to function is glucose, which comes mainly from eating carbohydrate-rich foods such as fruits and cereals. While potatoes contain mostly starches, which serve more as an energy reserve.

That is, the consumption of potatoes does not stimulate thinking as Rudolf Steiner asserts, but on the contrary, an exacerbated consumption of potatoes would slow down the ability to think because starchy foods are transformed very slowly into glucose.

~ * ~

And this is one more example of how Rudolf Steiner said much nonsense without any serious knowledge on this subject.


The topic where I have seen most people praise Rudolf Steiner is in his "biodynamic agriculture" but there are also experts who do not agree with him and one of them is Stuart Smith.

Stuart is a veteran winegrower of forty years. He was schooled in the sciences while working on his master’s degree at U.C. Davis in Viticulture and Enology. His course work included basic chemistry, inorganic, organic and bio-chemistry, bacteriology, biology, plant propagation along with the specialized courses unique to the Viticulture and Enology Department.

He was the department’s first Teaching Assistant to Professors Maynard Amerine and Vern Singleton. In the early 1970’s he was an instructor of Viticulture and Enology at Napa Community College for several years and for another ten years at Santa Rosa Junior College.

So he is academically well prepared, but he is also very experienced in practice since in the fall of 1970 he first walked 200 acres of forested land on the top of Spring Mountain, located just west of St. Helena in the Napa Valley.

And in early 1971, with a small partnership of family and friends he was able to purchase the land and start Smith-Madrone Vineyards & Winery.

~ * ~

Well, Stuart Smith opened a blog where he details the reasons why he is very skeptical with the techniques that Rudolf Steiner taught, because as Stuart Smith said:

« Austrian Philosopher Rudolf Steiner gave a series of lectures and discussions on Agriculture in June 1924 to a group of his followers in Koberwitz, Poland.

These lectures on Agriculture became the foundation for Biodynamics which in recent years has been embraced by an ever widening group of wineries around the world.

However, after reading Steiner, I conclude that Rudolf Steiner was a complete nutcase, a flimflam man with a tremendous imagination, and his books, writings and lectures should be catalogued under science fiction.

But don’t understand me. It is not an attack on organic or sustainable farming; both of which I support. What I am against is the delirious way that Rudolf Steiner deals with them. And I do not like his hypocrisy, because in his first lecture given on June 7, 1924, Rudolf Steiner began by saying:

-      "It ought to be clear to anyone that people have no right to talk about agriculture, including its social and organizational aspects, unless they have a sound basis in agriculture, and really know what it means to grow grain or potatoes or beets."

But Rudolf Steiner had never been a farmer, yet he delivered these lectures on Agriculture!

And that is why I decided to open the blog titled:

Because someone has to speak up. »

And in his blog you can read the following 33 articles:

 1.   How it started

 2.   Introduction

 4.   U.C. Davis


One point that I see against Stuart Smith's analysis is that he has no esoteric knowledge, his analysis is only made from a scientific point of view and therefore he is not aware of the hidden aspects of the Creation.

But it is also a fact that he is an expert in viticulture who knows a lot and therefore you have to pay attention to what he says.

And I will progressively comment his articles, but once I wanted to present them to those who want to dig deeper into the biodynamic agriculture taught by Rudolf Steiner.

And something that impressed me a lot is that Stuart Smith analyzing Rudolf Steiner from the point of view of agriculture came to the same conclusion as I, when I analyzed Rudolf Steiner from the point of view of esotericism:

-      Rudolf Steiner was a fanatic man with a huge imagination, but whose books should be put in the category of fantasy and not as a transcendental teaching because he often raves.


This asseveration can surprise you a lot, but I assure you that it is true. In his book Cosmic Memory (1904) in Chapter IX entitled "Origin of the Present Earth and Extrusion of the Sun", Rudolf Steiner begins by saying:

« We shall now follow the Akasha Chronicle back into that remote past in which our present Earth had its beginning. By “Earth” is to be understood that condition of our planet by virtue of which it can support minerals, plants, animals, and men in their form of today. »
Then Rudolf Steiner tells how the planet and humans have densified from the astral plane to the physical plane, but he does so in a very vague and very different way how Blavatsky explained it, which shows that Mr. Steiner read the Secret Doctrine but he did not understand it, and that is why he put an abstruse explanation to pretend that he also had an occult knowledge.

And when Earth finally materialized, Rudolf Steiner wrote the following:

« We are now dealing with a physical earth which is composed of the following kinds of matter: water, air, light ether, chemical ether and life ether.

There now follows an important cosmic event. The sun is extruded. Thereby certain forces simply leave the earth. These forces are composed of a part of what hitherto had existed on earth in the life ether and in the chemical and light ether. These forces, so to speak, were withdrawn from the earth.

A radical change thereby took place among groups of terrestrial beings which previously had contained these forces within themselves. They all suffered a transformation.

Those which have been called plant beings above, first suffered such a transformation. A part of their light ether forces was taken from them. They could then develop as organisms only when the force of light, which had been withdrawn from them, acted upon them from the outside. Thus the plants came under the influence of the sunlight.

Something similar happened with human bodies. From then onward, their light ether also had to act together with the light ether of the sun in order to be capable of life. But not only those beings themselves which lost the light ether were affected; the others were affected too. For in the world everything interacts.

Those animal forms, too, which did not contain light ether themselves had previously been irradiated by their fellow beings on earth and had developed under this irradiation. Now they also came under the immediate influence of the external sun.

The human body in particular developed organs receptive to the sunlight, that is, the first rudiments of human eyes.

The consequence of the extrusion of the sun was a further material densification of the earth. Solid matter developed from fluid; likewise the light ether separated into another kind of light ether, and into an ether which gives bodies the capacity to increase temperature. With this, the earth became an entity which developed heat within itself. »

So, according to Steiner, when Earth materialized, the Sun came out of the planet and was formed from the ethereal substance of Earth and the beings that inhabit it...

Wow!  I rarely had read anything so delirious and so incoherent in all aspects, scientific, esoteric, or simply the mere use of reasoning.

I read it again to see if I had misinterpreted his explanation, but no, that is exactly what Rudolf Steiner said. And in the next chapter, he twice insists again that the Sun was formed from Earth, since he wrote:

  • "The Luciferic entities could participate in the earthly creation up to the point at which sun split off from earth."
  • "After the separation of earth and sun, an activity began on earth."

And now I will explain why this statement is absolutely false.

Scientifically, there is no way that the Sun has come from the Earth, because how could our little world could create a star whose mass is 333'000 times greater than our planet and whose volume is more than a million times higher than Earth??????

Where did it get the energy, where did it get the material?

That is absurd!

And in no true esoteric teaching they said this barbarity since all of them specify that the Sun is the creator of our solar system.

Master Kuthumi wrote to Mr. Hume:

« The sun is the great nourishing father of our planetary system. »
(Mahatma Letter, p.498)

And also Master Kuthumi wrote to Mr. Sinnett:

« The sun is the heart and brain of our little universe that is the solar system. »
(ML 23B, p.164)

And this is proof that Rudolf Steiner was not in contact with Master Kuthumi as he claimed.

But the Theosophical teachers are not the only ones who affirm that, because all the great esoteric instructors that I know say the same thing. For example Master Pasteur on this subject explained:
« Why does the creator of the solar system [the Solar Logos] live in the sun?

Because the sun is the most spiritualize celestial body of the solar system. And besides, what better throne could this great Divine Being have chosen than this place of space which is the point of diffusion of divine energy, because the sun is the energetic source of all life.

Although for the moment you only perceive its most material aspects, that is: light, heat, solar dust, etc. »
(Conference, 06.27.85)

And the angel in the book Talking with Angels, on the sun he said the following:

« When the sun appears in the morning, the earth pays homage to his Creator. »
(Conversation 15)

« The sun is the king of his little universe [the solar system] and that is why his planets revolve around him. »
(Conversation 58)

So as you can see, no serious instructor says such an aberration that sun came out of the earth. And the question that one can ask is:

Why did Rudolf Steiner say such absurdity?

And when one knows the Catholic doctrine, the answer is easy to guess.

Rudolf Steiner surely declared this nonsense simply because he was a religious fanatic who wanted at all costs to make his "esoteric teaching" correspond with what is written in the Bible, since at the beginning of Genesis is written that "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth in the first day, and only in the fourth day He create the sun".

But what this guy did not understand is that this description is symbolic and therefore it should NOT be interpreted literally. !!!!!


And this is another example of how delirious Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophical teaching can be.


The followers of Rudolf Steiner have tried to knock down this article telling me that when the sun came out of the earth, it was not about our present planet but about an earlier manifestation of earth.

However, this is wrong because clearly Rudolf Steiner specified that what he was going to tell corresponded to the actual Earth as we know it today and not to a "previous manifestation". So this argument is a lie from Rudolf Steiner's supporters.

Others have told me that indeed a sun has come out of the earth, but it is not the sun in the sky, it is a "spiritual sun".

But once again that is false because Rudolf Steiner clearly states that after the sun left the earth, the inhabitants of the planet began to need the light that the sun emitted to be able to continue existing, and that's why Mr. Steiner wrote:

-      "The plants began to live under the influence of the light of that sun that had come out.
-      "And the animals have also begun to live under the immediate influence of that sun which became external."
-      "And in the human body, particular organs sensitive to the light began to develop, that is the first rudiments of human eyes."

So that is another lie from Rudolf Steiner's defenders to try to cover up their guru. But the reality is that Rudolf Steiner really assured that our current sun came out of our current planet !!!

And although in the 21st century, we know that this is a complete absurdity, it should be noted that this affirmation Rudolf Steiner wrote it at the beginning of the 20th century, a time when some people thought that this could be possible because at that time, space exploration had not started yet, and people still knew very little about the solar system.

For example, people (and even scientists) thought that other planets were also physically inhabited, and that in the dark side of the moon could find organic life, etc.

And as in the Bible it is mentioned that God first created the earth and only later the sun and the moon, so Rudolf Steiner considers that, if at the beginning there was only the earth, it was normal that the other celestial bodies came out of our planet.

But if Rudolf Steiner had really had esoteric knowledge as he so pretended, he would know that this affirmation was a complete stupidity, because as I showed you, all great instructors affirmed that the sun is the true creator of our solar system.

And even if Rudolf Steiner had no esoteric knowledge, but if he had only paid more attention to what is written in the Secret Doctrine instead of just repudiating it, he would have noticed that there Blavatsky pointed out that our sun is 1300 times bigger than our planet (Vol. II, p.708).

Then Rudolf Steiner might have thought that in the face of that enormous difference in size, it would not be such a good idea to finally declare that the sun came out of the earth, but this man was a liar who lets himself be carried by his religious fanaticism, he makes this asseveration without noticing that with it, he was also demonstrating his charlatanism.