

Rudolf Steiner mentioned six previous reincarnations that he supposedly had, and which I will enumerate in chronological order:

1) Enkidu, who is a character from Sumerian mythology and who was the adventurer companion of the mythological king Gilgamesh (about 3000 BC).

2) Cratylus, who was a Greek philosopher, born in Athens at the end of the fifth century BC and who was a priest of the Ephesus Temple.

3) Aristotle (384-322 BC) who was one of the most famous Greek philosophers and was also a forerunner of modern science, since apart from philosophy, he was also a mathematician, astronomer and he is historically recognized as the founding father of logical reasoning and biology.

4) Schionatulander who is a character from a heroic novel written by the German poet Wolfram von Eschenbach shortly after 1217, and who elaborated it based on the unfinished romantic poem entitled "Perceval, the Grail story" written by the French poet Chrétien de Troyes.

And although all indicates that this is an imaginary saga, Rudolf Steiner insisted that no, that this story was very real and that it took place between the 9th and 10th centuries in the Middle Age.

5) St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1270) who was one of the most important theologians of the Catholic Church, to the point that he was proclaimed Doctor of the Church on April 11, 1567, by Pope Pius V.

6) Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925).

7) And Steiner also announced that he would return to Earth at the end of the 20th century or the beginning of the 21st century.

And after reading that, I sigh of desolation.

And surely you will ask:

What is the problem with this list?

And the problem is that this list shows that Rudolf Steiner was very ignorant about how reincarnation works.

1.  To begin the Masters of wisdom and their true disciples assured that the time to re-reincarnate is much longer than what people imagine.

Alfred Sinnett, in his book "Esoteric Buddhism," he pointed out that the Masters explained to him that humans spend 1500 years in Devachan ("the paradise") before returning to Earth.

Then William Judge, who was a disciple of Master Morya, pointed out in the magazine "The Theosophical Forum" that those 1500 years is not a fixed duration for all people, but the average in general (as well as the current average life expectancy is around 77 years, although there are some who die a few months later and others who die after more than a century later).

And when people asked to Blavatsky, she answered in her book "The Key of Theosophy":

« This, we are taught, depends on the degree of spirituality and the merit or demerit of the last incarnation. The average time is from ten to fifteen centuries. »
(Section IX, p.145)

And Master Kuthumi in a letter wrote:

« Let us take but one million of years (suspected and now accepted by your science) to represent man's entire term upon our earth in this Round; and allowing an average of a century for each life and a average of 777 reincarnations, we find that whereas he has passed in all his lives upon our planet 77,700 years, while he has been in the subjective spheres 922,300 years. Not much encouragement for the extreme modern reincarnationists who remember their several previous existences»
(Mahatma Letter 14, p.83)

So, as you can see, the dates given by Rudolf Steiner do not function because:

  • From Enkidu to Cratylus it took 2600 years to reincarnate.
  • From Cratylus to Aristotle, it took 50 years.
  • From Aristotle to Schionatulander it took 1270 years.
  • From Schionatulander to Thomas Aquinas it took 275 years.
  • From Aquinas to Rudolf Steiner it took 590 years.
  • And it would only take 75 years to reincarnate at the end of the 20th century or the beginning of the 21st century.

(I rounded the numbers)

So, if we exclude the first case of Enkidu, which is probably a pure fantasy from Steiner and his disciples, he was reincarnated on average every 450 years, which places him in the group of fanciful men who pretend to remember his many past lives, but that probably those are only inventions produced by their imagination.

2.  And the duration in Devachan mentioned by Rudolf Steiner is also incorrect because as Blavatsky pointed out: more a person is evolved and more his stay in Devachan is long. So it is absurd that a wild man like Enkidu stayed 2600 years in Devachan before returning to earth, while a great sage like Cratylus only stayed 50 years !!!

3.  But also the list that Rudolf Steiner mentioned does not make any sense because there is NO continuity through reincarnations.

You should know that the characteristics that you develop into a life, you inherit them in the next life.

And for you to understand me better, imagine a great sportsman like Cristiano Ronaldo, and imagine that someone tells you that at 30 years old, Ronaldo became a great violin virtuoso.

And you are going to emphasize that this statement does not make any sense because to become a great violin virtuoso, you have not only to have talent, but also to practice many hours for many years, and Ronaldo he does not could do it because he spent all his life to playing soccer.

So this statement is not only incongruous, but also false.

And the same thing happens with the statements made by Rudolf Steiner because, for example:

When did the primitive man Enkidu obtain wisdom and knowledge to become in his next reincarnation the great Greek philosopher Cratylus ???

Enkidu was a wild man who lived covered with animal skins and only loved to fight. So, it makes no sense to declare that in his next reincarnation, this barbarian become a great philosopher, because he has not developed his mind, his reasoning and his wisdom.

Declaring this is as absurd as declaring that Ronaldo became a genius of the violin.

And something similar can also be objected about the passage from Aristotle to Thomas Aquinas, because although Thomas Aquinas was a very bright man who even admired Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas was a very religious man who humanized and sanctified God, while for Aristotle, God was only an impersonal energy that produced the movement of univers, and therefore it is not any sense to pray to him.

If we see the characteristics that Aristotle showed in his life, most likely he will be reborn as a scientist and not as an ecclesiastic.

And it is also not logical that Thomas Aquinas reincarnated as Rudolf Steiner, because although the two men were very religious, Thomas Aquinas was a very honest man, while Rudolf Steiner was a very deceitful man.


This shows me several things:

  • Rudolf Steiner was a very liar man because there are a lot of falsities he has declared.
  • He was not in communication with the Masters as he claimed.
  • He did not have esoteric knowledge as he presumed.
  • And he was a pretentious guy because with the exception of Enkidu, all the other reincarnations he pretended to have had were from prominent men, which is unlikely.

And it is curious to note that the true instructors do not like to talk about past lives because neither Blavatsky, nor William Judge, nor Damodar spoke about it, but instead the liars are very enthusiastic to doing it as was the case of Charles Leadbeater, Elizabeth and Mark Prophet, Samael Aun Weor and also Rudolf Steiner.

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