

In the lecture he gave on August 2, 1924, Rudolf Steiner mentioned the following:

« The potato takes little care of lung and heart. It reaches the head, but only, as I said, the lower head, not the upper head. It does go into the lower head, where one thinks and exercises critical faculties. Therefore, you can see, in earlier times there were fewer journalists. There was no printing industry yet.

Think of the amount of thought expended daily in this world in our time, just to bring the newspapers out.

All that thinking, it is much too much, it is not at all necessary, and we have to thank the potato diet for that!

Because a person who eats potatoes is constantly stimulated to think. »

So, dear readers, forget about the increase in population, as well as the technological development that allowed the communication and information industry to intensify an impressive way, because according to Rudolf Steiner, the real reason why there are now many more journalists than before, it is because now humans eat potatoes...

Which, apart from being ridiculous, is also false because science has discovered that the main energy the brain needs to function is glucose, which comes mainly from eating carbohydrate-rich foods such as fruits and cereals. While potatoes contain mostly starches, which serve more as an energy reserve.

That is, the consumption of potatoes does not stimulate thinking as Rudolf Steiner asserts, but on the contrary, an exacerbated consumption of potatoes would slow down the ability to think because starchy foods are transformed very slowly into glucose.

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And this is one more example of how Rudolf Steiner said much nonsense without any serious knowledge on this subject.

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